Affiliated researchers

Edouard Evangelisti

Université Côte d’Azur
INRAE PACA, Sophia Agrobiotech Institute (France)

Dr. Edouard Evangelisti studies filamentous microorganisms and their interactions with plants, with a special focus on oomycetes. His research explores the molecular and cellular mechanisms of plant infection by oomycetes.

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Key publications:

1. ‘Deep-learning based quantification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in plant roots’, E. Evangelisti, C. Turner, A. McDowell, L. Shenhav, T. Yunusov, A. Gavrin, E. K. Servante, C. Quan, S. Schornack, New Phytologist 232(5), p. 2207-2219 (2021).

2. ‘N-acetyltransferase AAC(3)-I confers gentamicin resistance to Phytophthora palmivora and Phytophthora infestans’, E. Evangelisti, T. Yunusov, L. Shenhav, S. Schornack, BMC Microbiology 19, p. 265 (2019).

3. ‘Hydrodynamic shape changes underpin nuclear rerouting in branched hyphae of an oomycete pathogen’, E. Evangelisti, L. Shenhav, T. Yunusov, M. Le Naour-Vernet, P. Rink, S. Schornack, mBio 10(5), p. 1-16 (2019).

4. ‘Time-resolved dual transcriptomics reveal early induced Nicotiana benthamiana root genes and conserved infection-promoting Phytophthora palmivora effectors’, E. Evangelisti, A. Gogleva, T. Hainaux, M. Doumane, F. Tulin, C. Quan, T. Yunusov, K. Floch, S. Schornack, BMC Biology 15, p. 39 (2017).

5.‘The Phytophthora parasitica RXLR effector Penetration-Specific Effector 1 favours Arabidopsis thaliana infection by interfering with auxin physiology’, E. Evangelisti, B. Govetto, N. Minet-Kebdani, M.-L. Kuhn, A. Attard, M. Ponchet, F. Panabières, M. Gourgues, New Phytologist 199(2), p. 476-489 (2013).

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Norbert Peeters

Wageningen University & Research

Norbert Peeters (MA) is a lecturer in philosophy at Wageningen University and Research and an external PhD student at Leiden University. Norbert is currently in the process of finishing his PhD research into the historical and conceptual origins of plant invasion ecology. His other research is focused on the history and philosophy of botany, with a special interest in valorization and public understanding of plant sciences.

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Key publications:

1. ‘Flora Batava 1800-1934 – De wilde planten van Nederland’, N.G.J. Peeters, E. van Gelder (eds.), Tielt: Uitgeverij Lannoo (2023).

2. ‘Rumphius’ Kruidboek – Verhalen uit de Ambonese flora’, N.G.J. Peeters, Zeist: KNNV Uitgeverij (2020).

3. ‘Botanische revolutie – De plantenleer van Charles Darwin’, N.G.J. Peeters, Zeist: KNNV Uitgeverij (2016).

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Pepijn Moerman

Assistant professor
Eindhoven University of technology (TU/e)

Pepijn Moerman is an assistant professor in the Self-Organizing Soft Matter Lab, interested in active soft matter and biomimetic systems. His group uses methods from DNA nanotechnology to develop experimental soft matter systems that mimic cell-cell communication, adhesion, and mechanics. They answer fundamental biological questions by systematically varying parameters in these cell mimics and quantifying their effects on the system’s self-organization. With this approach, the team aims to better understand the way cells interact to form tissues and to develop smart materials that can mimic life-like behaviors.

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Key publications:

1. Hall-Thomsen, H., Small, S., Gavrilov, M., Ha, T., Schulman, R., & Moerman, P. G. (2023). Directing Uphill Strand Displacement with an Engineered Superhelicase. ACS Synthetic Biology12(11), 3424-3432.

2. Moerman, P. G., Fang, H., Videbæk, T. E., Rogers, W. B., & Schulman, R. (2023). A simple method to alter the binding specificity of DNA-coated colloids that crystallize. Soft matter19(45), 8779-8789.

3. Moerman, P. G., Gavrilov, M., Ha, T., & Schulman, R. (2022). Catalytic DNA polymerization can be expedited by active product release. Angewandte Chemie134(24), e202114581.

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