Position: Mechanical signaling in plants

Within the GreenTE Gravitation program, we are looking for a motivated PhD candidate to explore mechanisms of mechanical signaling in plants. Our recent data identified rapid protein phosphorylation as a potentially profound mediator of responses to mechanical stress in Arabidopsis
cells. In this project, the candidate will use a combination of microfluidics and phosphoproteomics to systematically explore rapid responses to mechanical signals, and investigate the role of newly identified candidate regulators and mediators in the perception of and response to mechanical
signaling in development and/or immunity. The candidate will be embedded in a multi-disciplinary team both at the host department (Dolf Weijers and Joris Sprakel groups; Wageningen University), and within the larger GreenTE program. The latter includes physicists, chemists, theoreticians and plant biologists.

We are looking for an MSc graduate (or soon to graduate MSc candidate) with a strong affinity with curiosity-driven plant science and experience in one or more of the following areas: (1) Proteomics, (2) Microfluidics, (3) Engineering.
The (full-time) position is funded for 4 years and available from September 2024 onward.
This PhD/PD project is part of the Gravitation programme GreenTE (Green Tissue Engineering), a multidisciplinary consortium of 7 Dutch universities. Together, GreenTE will unravel how plants sense and respond to mechanical stimuli; these fundamental insights will be the basis to develop engineering interventions to improve plant regeneration, seed longevity and defenses against disease. The successful applicant will be an integral member of the GreenTE community, which offers an open, diverse and inspiring environment to engage in multidisciplinary mechanobiology research at the intersection of biology, chemistry and physics, and is expected to participate in GreenTE events, training and collaborations.
General information about the Wageningen University PhD programme can be found here:
Information about our research groups can be found here: https://www.wur.nl/en/research-results/chair-groups/agrotechnology-and-food-sciences/biomolecular-sciences/laboratory-of-biochemistry.htm
Please contact Dolf Weijers ([email protected]) or Joris Sprakel ([email protected]) to inquire
about the position or to apply. When applying, please provide a motivation letter, a detailed CV and
names of 2-3 individuals from whom a letter of reference can be requested.